Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

For Open Access Week, I've written an essay on and requested comments on my blog.

If there are any takeaways from previous efforts in opening and sharing access to information is that what is most effective is the most widely understood. Wonky weasel words don’t cut it. Meaningful interaction with knowledge requires that we learn how to communicate across sectors. If we engage people at all points of the dialogue, then the impact we make will be the greatest.


Is there a way to connect the noble ideas of Open Access Week with traditional conferences?

Would anyone be interested in editing a ‘call to action’ for event planners to make their information and events open access?

Could we create an ‘open access’ scorecard for academic publications prior to the 2014 World Parks Congress?

How do we redefine 'impact?'

Comments are welcome here on Open Access Week and on my blog.

Views: 273


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